Global Classification v2.0

Base url :

Global ETF Object

      "AgriculturalType": "Not Applicable",
      "AsiaSubGroup": "Not Applicable",
      "AssetClass": "Equities (Stocks)",
      "AverageMaturity": "Not Applicable",
      "BaseCurrency": "USD",
      "BloombergSymbol": "SPY:US",
      "BondCurrencyDenomination": "Not Applicable",
      "BondTaxStatus": "Not Applicable",
      "BondType": "Not Applicable",
      "BroaderIndexFamily": "S&P US Indices",
      "BuildAmericaBonds": "Not Applicable",
      "CUSIP": "78462F103",
      "ChinaListingLocation": "Not Applicable",
      "CleanEnergyType": "Not Applicable",
      "CommodityTypes": "Not Applicable",
      "CompositeName": "SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust",
      "CompositeTicker": "SPY",
      "Continent": "North America",
      "CreditQuality": "Not Applicable",
      "CrossSectorTheme": "Not Applicable",
      "CurrencyHedged": "No",
      "CurrencyPair": "Not Applicable",
      "DataChangeDate": "2017-06-30",
      "DerivativesBased": "Not Primarily Derivatives Based",
      "DevelopedEmerging": "Developed Market Funds",
      "DistributionFees": null,
      "DistributionFrequency": null,
      "DividendType": "Not Applicable",
      "DividendWeightingType": "Not Applicable",
      "Domicile": "US",
      "DynamicFuturesRoll": "Not Applicable",
      "ETFDescription": "The SPDR S&P 500 ETF is a fund that before expenses generally corresponds to the price and yield performance of the S&P 500 Index.",
      "ETFPortfolioTurnover": null,
      "ETFType": "US Equities",
      "ETNIssuingBank": "Not Applicable",
      "ETNMaturityDate": null,
      "ETPStructureType": "ETF (Open end fund)",
      "EnergyType": "Not Applicable",
      "EuropeSubGroup": "Not Applicable",
      "ExFinancials": "No",
      "ExSP500": null,
      "ExTechnology": "No",
      "ExchangeCode": "ARCX",
      "ExchangeName": "NYSE Arca",
      "FeeWaivers": null,
      "FloatingRate": "Not Applicable",
      "FundFamily": "SPDR US Core Equity Funds",
      "FundListingDate": "1993-01-22",
      "FundamentalWeightingType": "Not Applicable",
      "GovernmentBondTypes": "Not Applicable",
      "GrossExpenseRatio": null,
      "GrowthType": "Not Applicable",
      "GrowthValueTilt": "Core / Blend",
      "HedgeFundType": "Not Applicable",
      "HoldsADRs": "No",
      "HoldsClosedEndFunds": "No",
      "HoldsMLPs": "No",
      "HoldsOnlyNYSEStocks": "No",
      "HoldsOnlyNasdaqStocks": "No",
      "HoldsPreferredStock": "No",
      "ISIN": "US78462F1030",
      "InceptionDate": "1993-01-22",
      "IncludesShortExposure": "No",
      "IncomeETFCategory": "Not Applicable",
      "IndexFamily": "S&P US Core & Style Indices",
      "IndexLinked": "Passive",
      "IndexName": "S&P 500 Index",
      "IndexProvider": "S&P DJ Indices",
      "IndexProviderCode": "SPDJINDICES",
      "IndexTicker": "SPTR",
      "IndexWeightingScheme": "Market Cap Weighted",
      "Industry": "Not Applicable",
      "IndustryGroup": null,
      "InterestRateHedged": null,
      "IntradayNAVTicker": "SPY.IV",
      "InverseLeveraged": "Not Applicable",
      "IssuingEntity": null,
      "IssuingEntityCountryCode": "US",
      "Laddered": "Not Applicable",
      "LatinAmericaSubGroup": "Not Applicable",
      "LegalStructure": "Unit Investment Trust",
      "ListingCountryCode": "US",
      "ListingCurrency": "USD",
      "ListingRegion": "US",
      "Livestock": "Not Applicable",
      "ManagementFees": null,
      "MarketCapRange": "Large Cap",
      "MarketCapWeightingType": "Market Cap Weighting - Float Adjusted",
      "MetalType": "Not Applicable",
      "MonthEndAssets": 236351,
      "MortgageBondTypes": "Not Applicable",
      "MunicipalBondRegion": "Not Applicable",
      "MunicipalVRDO": "Not Applicable",
      "NaturalResourcesType": "Not Applicable",
      "NetExpenseRatio": 0.000945,
      "OtherAssetTypes": "Not Applicable",
      "OtherFundExpenses": null,
      "OtherQuantModels": "Not Applicable",
      "ParentIndex": "S&P 1500 Index",
      "PrimaryListingRegion": "US",
      "PrimaryTicker": "SPY:US",
      "PrimaryTickerCountryCode": "US",
      "QuantStrategiesType": "Not Applicable",
      "RIC": "SPY.P",
      "RealEstate": "Not Applicable",
      "RegisteredCountries": "United States",
      "RegularDividendPayorType": "Not Applicable",
      "ReplicationStructure": "Physical",
      "SEDOL": "2840215",
      "Sector": "Not Applicable",
      "Share_Class_FIGI": "BBG001S72SM3",
      "SingleCategoryDesignation": "US Equities - Broad Market & Size",
      "SmartvsTraditionalBeta": "TraditionalBeta",
      "SmartvsTraditionalBetaLevel2": "Broad/Size - Cap Weighted",
      "SocialEnvironmentalType": "Not Applicable",
      "SpecializedRegion": "Not Applicable",
      "SpecificCountry": "US",
      "SpecificMaturityYear": "Not Applicable",
      "Sponsor": "State Street (SPDR)",
      "SubIndustry": "Not Applicable",
      "TargetDateMultiAssetType": "Not Applicable",
      "UCITS": "No",
      "USMarketCapCoverage": 0.8,
      "USState": "Not Applicable",
      "USorExUS": "Domestic",
      "ValueType": "Not Applicable",
      "ZeroCoupon": "Not Applicable",
      "close_date": null,
      "created_at": "2017-07-20T10:28:39.201296Z",
      "data_status": "A",
      "firstbridge_id": "34899d2ddd104e50bc16b57db56b2eec",
      "firstbridge_parent_id": "34899d2ddd104e50bc16b57db56b2eec",
      "isLiveListed": true,
      "updated_at": "2017-07-20T10:28:39.201371Z"

Listing API

This API returns the possible values taken by a query-able field in the Global ETF Object. For example, querying the 'sponsor' field will return a list of all sponsors. The Filter API specifies which fields can be queried.

GET /global/list?field=ExchangeCode

    "data": [
    "message": null,
    "status": true

Filter API

This API returns all the fields in the Global ETF Object for specified input values. The input values must be from one of the query-able fields specified below. The possible input values for the query-able fields can be got using the Listing API  .








The default value for count is 100 and offset is 0.

The max value for count is 100.

GET /global/filter?field=ExchangeCode&value=XFRA&count=4&offset=10

    "data": [
      Global ETF object
    "message": null,
    "status": true

Search API

The Search API does a simple text search on the CompositeTicker, CompositeName and Sponsor fields.

GET /global/search?kw=sp

    "data": [
            "BloombergSymbol": "KRE*:MM",
            "CompositeName": "SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF",
            "CompositeTicker": "KRE",
            "ISIN": "US78464A6982",
            "Sponsor": "State Street (SPDR)",
            "firstbridge_id": "00229070cf904e19a724e4545d28bd6e"
            "BloombergSymbol": "SPMT:LN",
            "CompositeName": "ETFS Daily Short Precious Metals",
            "CompositeTicker": "SPMT",
            "ISIN": "JE00B24DKY29",
            "Sponsor": "ETF Securities",
            "firstbridge_id": "0053f72441e64c3ab0da5c6e29c0a274"
    "message": null,
    "status": true

If the keyword is less than 3 characters, the  search will only function on CompositeTicker. For 3 or more characters, the search will work on CompositeTickers, Sponsor and CompositeName.