Global Classification
Global ETF Object
{ "AgriculturalType": "Not Applicable", "AsiaSubGroup": "Not Applicable", "AssetClass": "Equities (Stocks)", "AverageMaturity": "Not Applicable", "BaseCurrency": "GBP", "BloombergSymbol": "100EUA:IM", "BondCurrencyDenomination": "Not Applicable", "BondTaxStatus": "Not Applicable", "BondType": "Not Applicable", "BroaderIndexFamily": "FTSE Index Family", "ChinaListingLocation": "Not Applicable", "CleanEnergyType": "Not Applicable", "CommodityTypes": "Not Applicable", "CompositeName": "UBS ETF (LU) FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (GBP) A-dis", "CompositeTicker": "100EUA", "Continent": "Europe", "CreditQuality": "Not Applicable", "CrossSectorTheme": "Not Applicable", "CurrencyHedged": "No", "CurrencyPair": "Not Applicable", "DerivativesBased": "Not Primarily Derivatives Based", "DevelopedEmerging": "Developed Market Funds", "DividendType": "Not Applicable", "DividendWeightingType": "Not Applicable", "Domicile": "Luxembourg", "DynamicFuturesRoll": "Not Applicable", "ETFDescription": "The fund generally invests in all equities of UK large-cap companies included in the FTSE 100 Index.", "ETNIssuingBank": "Not Applicable", "ETNMaturityDate": "", "EnergyType": "Not Applicable", "EuropeSubGroup": "Northern Europe", "ExchangeCode": "XMIL", "ExchangeName": "BORSA ITALIANA S.P.A.", "FloatingRate": "Not Applicable", "FundFamily": "UBS Equity Funds", "FundListingDate": "10/31/2001", "FundamentalWeightingType": "Not Applicable", "GovernmentBondTypes": "Not Applicable", "GrowthType": "Not Applicable", "GrowthValueTilt": "Core / Blend", "HedgeFundType": "Not Applicable", "ISIN": "LU0136242590", "InceptionDate": "10/31/2001", "IndexFamily": "FTSE Global Indices", "IndexLinked": "Passive", "IndexName": "FTSE 100 Total Return Index", "IndexProvider": "FTSE Russell", "IndexProviderCode": "FTSERUSS", "IndexWeightingScheme": "Market Cap Weighted", "Industry": "Not Applicable", "InterestRateHedged": "", "InverseLeveraged": "Not Applicable", "IssuingEntity": "UBS ETF", "IssuingEntityCountryCode": "LU", "LatinAmericaSubGroup": "Not Applicable", "LegalStructure": "SICAV (Luxembourg)", "ListingCountryCode": "IT", "ListingCurrency": "EUR", "ListingRegion": "Europe", "MarketCapWeightingType": "Market Cap Weighting - Float Adjusted", "MetalType": "Not Applicable", "MonthEndAssets": "140.7983", "MunicipalBondRegion": "Not Applicable", "NetExpenseRatio": "0.002", "OtherAssetTypes": "Not Applicable", "ParentIndex": "FTSE All World Index", "PrimaryListingRegion": "Europe", "PrimaryTicker": "UB03:LN", "PrimaryTickerCountryCode": "GB", "QuantStrategiesType": "Not Applicable", "RealEstate": "Not Applicable", "ReplicationStructure": "Physical", "Sector": "Not Applicable", "Share_Class_FIGI": "BBG001S992W8", "SingleCategoryDesignation": "Global or ExUS Equities - Country Specific", "SmartvsTraditionalBeta": "TraditionalBeta", "SmartvsTraditionalBetaLevel2": "Broad/Size - Cap Weighted", "SocialEnvironmentalType": "Not Applicable", "SpecializedRegion": "Not Applicable", "SpecificCountry": "UK", "SpecificMaturityYear": "Not Applicable", "Sponsor": "UBS", "SubIndustry": "Not Applicable", "TargetDateMultiAssetType": "Not Applicable", "UCITS": "Yes", "USorExUS": "", "ValueType": "Not Applicable" }
Listing APIs
This API returns the possible values taken by a query-able field in the Global ETF Object. For example, querying the 'sponsor' field will return a list of all sponsors. The Filter API specifies which fields can be queried.
Request: GET /api/v1.0/global/list?field=Sponsor Response: { "data": [ "BOOST", "Blackrock (iShares)", "China Asset Management", "Source Holdings", "ETF Securities", "KSM", "Barclays iPath", "Van Eck Associates Corporation", "DBX Strategic Advisors", "UBS", "Amundi", "First Trust" ], "message": null, "status": true }
Filter API
This API returns all the fields in the Global ETF Object for specified input values. The input values must be from one of the query-able fields specified below. The possible input values for the query-able fields can be got using the Listing APIs .
The default value for count is 100 and offset is 0.
The max value for count is 100.
Request: GET /api/v1.0/global/filter?field=ExchangeCode&value=XMIL&count=100&offset=0 Response: { "data" : [List of Global ETF objects], "status" : true, "message" : null }
Search API
The Search API does a simple text search on the CompositeTicker, CompositeName and Sponsor fields.
Request: GET /api/v1.0/global/search?kw=sca Response: { "data": [ { "BloombergSymbol": "SCAP:US", "CompositeName": "Cornerstone Small Cap ETF", "CompositeTicker": "SCAP", "ISIN": "US00768Y5868", "Sponsor": "Advisor Shares" }, { "BloombergSymbol": "SCAD:LN", "CompositeName": "ETFS Short CAD Long USD", "CompositeTicker": "SCAD", "ISIN": "JE00B68GS291", "Sponsor": "ETF Securities" } ], "message": null, "status": true }
If the keyword is less than 3 characters, the search will only function on CompositeTicker. For 3 or more characters, the search will work on CompositeTickers, Sponsor and CompositeName.